That without the darkness of the night sky, we would not be able to enjoy the light of the full moon. The darkness most often conjures up images that are scary as we are not able to see what surrounds us….
Shifting our perception to sensing what surrounds us brings an awareness that activates our intuition. Acceptance of the dark skies, expands the light bringing vision to that which we cannot see.
Nothing is ever "right", or "wrong". We are neither "pure good", or "purely bad". As beings that are energetic and therefore experiencing both positive and negative "charges", we can see how light and dark coexist within us. Our purpose is to balance these energies within us, with the goal of transmuting the darker energy that is dense and vibrating with a lower frequency.
And yes, we must experience lower frequencies, but we are not meant to stay in these conditions as we are composed of light (spirit). When we take on these dense vibrations, and begin to judge them, or identify with them, this increases the shadow of our subconscious, in turn creating a perception, or belief within our subconscious minds that we are these labels of unlovable, imperfect, broken humans.
We experience darkness, whether it be the night sky, or the "dark storms" of life. This is part of our journey. But like the excitement, and newness of the Fool, setting out on their adventure, even in the child-like innocence we know that the light can be seen, when we face the scariness and the fear of the unknown using the tools and knowledge gained along the way.
As the night may perhaps wishes to to be acknowledged for its ability to allow the beauty of the moon to be seen, so too does our shadow wish to be seen, acknowledged, and loved so that it can be transformed by our inner light of who we are, and who we aim to become.
I couldn’t agree with this more, I had called my shadow self the child in me or the little girl that didn’t get to experience childhood. Now it really makes sense with this post!! I love how so far, all of these have made me sit and think about things and how they resonate so much with me now and the past I’ve tried to stuff away in the depths of my mind.