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How to stay SANE and Empowered with Amethyst

Updated: Apr 30, 2022


I don't know about you , but this cycle, I Am Ready to release and shed. I cannot recall any other time that I've felt tension such as this during eclipse cycles, and I welcome the release with grace and with ease. I will be using every tool (Have been since last week) in order to stay in my center. As a super sensitive empath, I pick up on shifts easily even when it takes me a few days to track whats going on, I listen to my body, and the signals that it gives me.

The second new moon of the month is also a solar eclipse thereby marking the beginning of the eclipse phase.


Cleansing * Protection * Inspiration

This is what he powerful crystal Amethyst provides...

Energetic Protection is a MUST for this cycle

And so is a hefty dose of nurturing, and more nurturing. Utilizing the tools in your toolbox related to emotional balance will be essential to navigating this cycle. Know when to relinquish control, and set limitations to what you should, and should not do, especially if your mind is telling you yes, but your body is telling you NO, NO, NO!

“There are only two kinds of people who can drain your energy: those you love, and those you fear. In both instances it is you who let them in. They did not force their way into your aura, or pry their way into your reality experience.”

Anthon St. Maarten

My First Encounter

Crystals like Amethyst have within them the living power of the earth. The pressure which formed in the earth over a period of time causes crystals to eternally oscillate or vibrate. These vibrations correspond to certain energy centers in the body depending on the type of crystal, it's the crown chakra and the third eye that is related to Amethyst.

By directing the energy of crystals, the mineral kingdom provides us with alternative ways that we can add to our toolbox to assist us in maintaining our wellbeing.

My first crystal was an amethyst. I remember walking into my favorite spot for everything magical, Crystal Blue in Little Five Points deep in the heart of the ATL. That is the SPOT for those who know. My kiddos knew when we walked in that time would cease to exist, at least for me, and walked over to the area that the mineral kingdom called home, and began to scan with my left hand over the many containers, and felt a warmth enter my palm as it glided over the container of amethyst.

Usually when I place my hand in the containers, it takes me a few seconds to feel which one wants to connect, but this time, it was instant, and I pulled out one that was the size of a pebble that was smooth and rich in color. I kept it in my hand instead of placing it in the basket I was carrying, and continued to shop. I purchased a cage for it as I felt that I was to waer it around my neck, took it home and cleansed it, and immediately placed it around my neck.

During a weeks time, I felt less anxious, and the heavy feeling that I felt in my heartspace has lessened As a mom with four little ones to keep me company, I tend to hold onto emotions that I felt would take me out of the role of mom, and into the world of the mad hatter.

Oh the MAGICAL feeling of Relief, and being TAPPED IN & Grounded!

[I must state that the following is not meant to diagnose, and is written for entertainment purposes].

Amethyst may relieve stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. It activates spiritual awareness: with its healing and cleansing powers as it opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities.

Amethyst aids in hormone production, boosts the immune system through assisting the body in fighting and eliminating diseases.

Amethyst also guards against :

• Psychic attack:

By wearing the protective Amethyst crystal, one gets protection from all types of suffering including spiritual assault and those that may be as a result of external sources such as people.

• Insomnia relief

• Amethyst can help people emotionally, particularly those who are grieving. It strengthens as it brings emotional stability and inner strength. Using amethyst can connect one's emotional, physical, and mental aspects giving them the ability to deal with both emotional highs and lows.


Means discovering creative ways to embrace change, within our material world, and feeling safe to do so inside of ourselves, in connection with relationships that nourishes, and supports. As much as we need to release at this time, the main focus is about embracing change. Sometimes liberation can look like rebuilding your ideas about what security looks, and feels like, alongside giving from a place of compassion, and not for whats in it for us.

Keep a large amethyst geode in the home, and smaller stones in your vehicle to transmute negative energy. Wearing a piece of jewelry incorporating the crystal will work as an on the go solution.

Amethyst is one of the most powerful in its ability to protect its user during astral traveling, from nightmares, protection from physical harm, from psychic attack, or emotional protection from difficult situations.

This beautiful mala of Amethyst was gifted to me by my son.

The Opportunities offered by this Review, and Reset cycle

Embracing change can be one of the most challenging when it comes to evolutionary growth. We tend to keep a death grip on the path well traveled, but how can we experience liberation and the feelings that this expansion can bring if we do not test the waters, or at least get our big toe wet if we continue to accept what is known although it isn't necessarily feeding (HEALING) our soul, and releasing accrued trauma? This is a time of purging deep rooted situations that have been toxic to our being in one form or another as a collective.

Being anchored to our individual core can bring an inner sense of calmness that induces security. If more support is needed, being out in nature is another remedy. ground, and sink your feet into the earth, allow the trees to have your back, and most important, give your body the nourisment that it needs.

To navigate this upcoming eclipse I am offering one hour sessions to help you navigate the upcoming Solar Eclipse/ New Moon for $55.55

What you will receive if booked with the program offering:

◦ An intuitive message regarding the best tools for you to be ready to ride the waves of this eclipse cycle with grace

◦ Personalized affirming statements to navigate the bumps and sharp turns you may encounter throughout the day

◦ An energetic sound bath clearing

◦ Activation of personal power center

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