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Papyrus paper, abstract texture background. Papyrus was used in an ancient Egypt either pa

Navigating the Storms of Life with Oya

I intend that your Friday brought an abundance of love, and pleasure! Friday is a day to embrace yourself, and to expand your experience to include those whom you wish to connect.

Before the day escaped me, I wanted to share about Oya, and how She can assist you in navigating the storms of life.

The storms of life could feel truly feel like a physical storm, and the energy is felt throughout our nervous system, the electrical makeup of our physical vessel. In working with the energies of Oya, we can manage the emotional storms which manifests through the body in a variety of ways. Oya is an Orisha of the Yoruba Elemental Spirits. The Orisha of the connection between the living and the dead, She guards the gates of cemeteries, ensuring that both the boundaries of death and life are honored.


Oya is an Orisha who owns both storms and wind. Representing change, She bring transition even if it isn’t ask for it. She is known as a fierce warrior and protector of women who appeal to her to resolve disputes in their favor. Although She is an Orisha, She can be likened to the Dark Mother in that She can show us a clear path through the storms of life; those times of change, which can be sudden. Recognition is of importance when these changes happen, which is a part of the process of grief. Feelings allow for processing the emotions, and Oya can assist in the transmuting of the emotions. To ask for assistance of Oya, come to Her respectfully.

Offer up to Her things that will bring Her near to you, such as 9 Eggplants coated with Corojo Butter or Palm Oil and place them on a white plate. Set them in front of an image of Oya and state what you are needing assistance regarding calming the emotional storms within.


You may also use this petition to Oya for Protection.

You will need:


9 pennies

Light a candle (If you are able)

Pour the rum in an offering bowl or vessel you have designated for Oya. (It has been tradition to test the rum first before pouring into the bowl to test if it a worthy offering),

Then State your plea/Request

You may revise this to be in alignment to what you are needing:


Lady of the winds! Lady of the storm, hear me!


Move the winds through the storm that is within me!

I ask for You to bade them “stand still”, and dissipate at your command

Allow the darkness of this storm to pass through me with ease, and with grace.

Blow negative emotions away from me and mine whatever presents to harm.

I am protected by your grace.

Tear the storm apart!

It is no more! “


After stating your plea, See Oya standing before you holding her hands out. Here Her asking you to release it into Her hands, seeing you gather up whatever “stormy” emotions that you are experiencing, and watching them move into Her hands. You can see the wind around Her, and see the lightning began to take the storm, and tear the emotions from out of the stormy swirls created. The winds move and transmute the energy.

She controls the storm.

End with moving your hands in a cutting motion, seeing Oya ripping apart the energy and power fueling the storm.

Leave Oya the nine pennies as an offering.


Image: Christopher Pompey via Art Station

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