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Papyrus paper, abstract texture background. Papyrus was used in an ancient Egypt either pa

New Moon in Aires Intuitive Message



Embrace this newness that is allowing us to renew our passion for life and all it has to offer!

Let the light of our flame be seen, as we have the ability to bring in the light. Embrace what lights you up!

You are in full control of your inner world and can make the decision to shine, shine, shine!

Activate the flame within you by standing in the sunlight. Allow it to charge you with its golden rays, bringing light to the center of your solar Plexus.

Keep calm and relax into your flow and do whatever is necessary to avoid stress, and anxiety. Just breathe and know that the power is in the stillness. Show up for life present in the moment of the now.

Remind yourself that money and abundance shows up in many ways, so expect the unexpected and detach from ways that you may be limiting fortune in your life. Know that you are right on track, and right where you need to be. Ask yourself, "what does success mean to me?"

As this fiery energy can become quite steamy. Aries is the Warrior/ess Archetype that is courageous, brave, bold, and enthusiastic, step forward and dare to inspire! Do the work to get the results

working methodically towards your goals. Now that you have a plan in place and are sticking to your schedule to get the job done, the Knight of pentacles is encouraging you to stay consistent, dedicated and committed to your goal.

Continue doing what you are doing to make gradual progress. Go with the flow, stick to your usual routines, and over time, you will reach your goals through routine and careful planning. Keep at it, because success is near

You are on a mission when you have your mind set on something. Use the power of intellect connected with your heart.

Even though the challenges, and obstacles on the path ahead don’t intefer with the direction that you're committed to,

the Knight of Swords suggests that you are to quickly take action and stick to your plans plan to propel you forward to take action to manifest your goals. Don't hang back and wait for something to happen while thoroughly thinking and feeling things through.

Rushing things or cutting corners may create a mis-alignment or a dead-end.

Engage with others who have similar skills so that you can share your ideas and develop new points of view, fire each other up and motivate one another.

The Judgement card in reverse may signal a period of reflection and self-evaluation. Contemplation, and meditation may help you come to at a deep understanding of the themes throughout your life and what you can be done in order for you to do or change something to avoid challenging situations. work on your self- forgiveness, self-acceptance, self-love, and notice where

your inner critic is coming through,The time of doubting yourself or tell yourself negative messages is over as it is stopping you from being able to fulfil your highest potential and be your best self.

Overcome your inner critic by hearing it out and acknowledge its fear, and offering the inner-critic assurances that everything will be just fine. Break the cycle of self-criticism by replacing it with uplifting messages of what is possible.

Lean into exploring a new way of thinking – a new idea, a new perspective, new knowledge, or a new technique.

Page of Swords suggests exploring a different way of expressing yourself with others and communicating your ideas and opinions. You are a more than ready to take the next step to share your message with the world. ‘Go for it!’ You need to follow your passions and go where your true energy lies. This Page says move forward and get into motion, despite any challenges or setbacks that might stand in the way. There may be an encounter to foster your relationship with a person who have a lot to share with you, and may teach you something about yourself. Stay open to their enthusiasm to learn more about the world.

The area of your life that is unfolding, and and where you can feel the new can be found where you are experiencing the most fear. This is the area where you have felt the most pain, but the healing of this pain will open new avenue of growth which will bring hope and joy. Integration of the inner child who may be feeling neglected can bring clarity to where to invest your energy. In working with your inner child/children, you will be able to feel the happiness in your heart when focusing on the path presenting itself.

Did you remember that you can fly?

It's time to test drive those beautiful wings of yours, and step into your new self. Past regrets, along with self doubt only keeps you chained to the past, and attached to a caged filled with memories of the person that you used to be. So it's time to speak your truth in order to gain clarity on what it is that you are creating. What deserves your energy throughout this lunar cycle, and beyond? What is your heart yearning to discover?

You are more than enough!

Have courage, be brave and LEAP!

Only then will you be able to see the landing pad with the many who are waiting and cheering on the other side!

If you’re wanting to break free during this time of courageous fiery energy an overcome insecurities that keeps you held hostage inside a cage, let's talk about it!

Book a session and let's discover the freedom you've been desiring.

Credits: Music: Flow of the River, Musician: Experia, Album: Experia, Source:

Music: As Light Returns, Musician: Walt Adams, Album: Walt Adams, Source:

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