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Papyrus paper, abstract texture background. Papyrus was used in an ancient Egypt either pa

Ritualz of Protection


Have you ever come home at the end of the day after having a relatively amazing day, but feeling extraordinarily drained?

You take a nice shower, get into something comfy and prepare a delicious cup of your favorite beverage and sink into your favorite spot, and still feel “heavy”?

It may be that you’re needing to cleanse energetically.

While taking a shower can help with clearing one's energy field when the intention has been set, there may be a chance that there could be remaining energy “cords”. I know, it sounds kinda extreme, and unnerving to think that a person may be walking around with cords attached to them, but think of it this way, if everything is made up of energy, especially the human body, and you come into contact with other energetic beings, or even highly charged environments, the effects will be felt long after we remove ourselves from those situations, places, people, and things.

The frequencies emitted are now affecting our fields, our auric field which in turns affects our moods, positively or negatively.

Not only that, over time, these frequencies could create imbalances that begin to express themselves in our bodies which lowers our immune system.


A part of any self-care ritual, includes some form of setting boundaries whether it's communicating with clarity to oneself and to others about something that is intended to place one in a better mindset and state of being.

One way to set boundaries is to intend at the end of each day the energy cords from external sources to be cut away.

Cleansing oneself of the energetic frequencies, especially from other people allows communication with the highest version of you.

This can be achieved by "InVisioning" yourself coming into your sacred space as if it were your sanctuary. Sitting down, making yourself comfortable, and calling in your spirit Team, or any higher Source Power that you are comfortable with and asking for assistance in removing the energy cords from your body.

To deepen the effect, see those cords as situations, or people that you’ve encountered during the day, and see your Team/Higher Source Power one by one disconnecting the cords from your body. Afterwards, visualize the completion by seeing your body being placed in a shield of white protective light, and express gratitude for the work that has been done. Smile, and give yourself a big hug.

You could flow right into your next evening ritual if you have one prior to resting your body. As an added layer, the mantra below can be chanted three times:

“It’s ok to protect my energy. This boundary Empowers Me”.

Protection is a right that we can execute at any time we feel intuitively led to do so. It is a wonderful spiritual hygiene practice and a reminder of our connection to our higher self, and our divine nature.

Ask yourself, or journal on the following key questions:

What everyday activities can I turn into a ritual to help restore my wellbeing so that I feel good?

How do I really feel about making myself a priority?

Do I take the time to do things that bring me happiness?

How do I really feel about making myself a priority?

Leave a comment if you have an energy protection, or cord cutting ritual and how it helps you maintain your self-care practice.

Keep on the lookout

for more spiritual tea like this, as well as an upcoming mini-retreat all about spiritual protection!

And as always,

Know that you can always find sanctuary within the walls of your own inner temple.


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