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Papyrus paper, abstract texture background. Papyrus was used in an ancient Egypt either pa

The newly renovated Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library will reopen its doors Monday!

Monday, August 7 the Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library will reopen its doors!

Libraries are community hubs connecting people to information and people to people. They provide after-school homework help, games, and book clubs for children and can at times be a safe haven. Libraries play a crucial role in learning, as librarians and other resources and services help people to access information that they need.

Most importantly, libraries serve as

informal spaces that are often mainstays in a neighborhood, as it is right up there with the coffeehouse as a place where relationships are made.

I fondly remember my time spent in libraries, where I would study and had to restrain myself from checking out every book that caught my eye!

I was grateful that the library allowed me as a single mother to have access to books that would spark my children’s imagination, as well as nurture their interests. I began reading to my kiddos even before they were a month old…

The shift to digital services and delivery models is one way that libraries are responding to changing expectations among patrons.

Automation will play a key role in helping librarians do more with the resources available.

An AI platform can take care of repetitive and mundane tasks, freeing up time for a librarian to focus their time in ways that are more strategic.

As I have been delving into topics surrounding AI, and the ways that it will impact communities, I am realizing the importance of having these types of discussions within our communities, especially those of marginalized groups.

I concur with the author of this article in Idea Institute that intelligent tools can be very useful for libraries, but in-depth testing is imperative to make sure that the tools are inclusive to those who may have been omitted during the design process.

With that being said...

The Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library is ready to reopen its doors on Monday, August 7!

The completely redesigned first floor has been modernized and now features an open floor plan. The revamped first floor also brings in the addition of a teen space and multiple study and meeting rooms. The second and third floors also received a facelift which includes new painting and carpeting thanks to funding by Strong Library, Strong Denver, supported by the Denver Public Library Fund. The library will open with expanded hours also thanks to the DPL Fund.

Mark your calendars for the community grand reopening celebration on Saturday, August 12 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.! Learn more about the celebration here!

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