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Papyrus paper, abstract texture background. Papyrus was used in an ancient Egypt either pa

Welcoming The First Harvest: The Sacred Harvest



In honor of the Spirit of ancestral lineage, giving thanks for the ability to celebrate in the Sacred Harvest of our individual reapings.

Gratitude and Blessings to the Four Directions for the sustenance that you provide!

Question. Who would you be if you let yourself shine?

Be courageous in embodying the Soul of You!

As I write this, all is in Divine Timing.

Leo brings with its fire, passion and courage to face what we need to face, showing up as our authentic selves, shining our truth. It is a reminder that we can and will have joy and fun in our lives. It is our birth-rite.

Symbolic of wealth, royalty, abundance, and creative fire, infinite in its expansiveness to open our hearts to allow the light to shine from within us and in others, accessing the purest power and sharing for the good of all beings, the Syrian activation invited us to cross over the threshold , tapping into our creative passions, to give, and to be open to receiving.

We are met with the opportunity at this time every year to be supported by the frequencies that the 8/8 doorway ushers in.

Call upon the ancestors and your highest Self for guidance during this time. They understand what purpose you are here to embrace.

Let go of the idea of 'deserving' and 'working for', YOU are already deserving!

It’s time for a new storyline to replace the idea of 'earning' and 'deserving'. You are worthy to receive your Sacred Harvest!

That being said, the need to pair the words that we speak with mindfulness internally and externally, is necessary at this time being that self expression is important. Remember, our words are essentially spells, and bringing, while expressing with the words that you bring forth awareness to how the energy is forming will be beneficial while working with the energetic frequencies available to us.

Speaking the BIG DREAM into existence is the motto.

Dream big, open your heart trusting that what you deeply desire is possible for you now.

Get clear on your most important values.

Balance the energies of your Masculine and Feminine.

There is BIG magic happening in this “now”moment in terms of the work that you’ve done up til this point. It may feel as if you’re coming undone, breaking down, falling apart and this is all ok.

This is what it’s like to break through the cocoon and be reborn. The intake of air into your lungs, gasping to find the doorway to the next inhale. The lesson now is to ride on the tail of the last breath and allow it to carry you, with you being open to following.

Moving towards the goals and dreams that you’ve set in place requires us to be vigilant in bringing balance to center stage along with our passions so as to not place our health in jeopardy.

Hence, why I’m not stressing about not doing “all the things “ in a timely fashion, and having faith that that one step is enough. The success, and pursuit of our happiness will not be enjoyable at all if our vitality, and overall health is at risk.

This intuitive message covers this new cycle, what the collective is needing to express in this moment with the courage to unveil the realness of you, and your truths, as well as ways to lean more into, AND TRUST your creative abilities to live more in your creative flow.

It’s time to reap your harvest with gratitude!

As the moon continues its journey to full Sturgeon Moon, being the last supermoon of the year. This is the climax to your intentions set ( the seed) you planted on the new moon being ready tself ready harvesting.

Aquarius energy deals with groups, the People, humanitarianism, as well as community. If you work with the Archangels, A.A Cambiel supports humanitarian efforts and can assist in providing a unique perspective of the world.

In what ways can you be of service in your community in a way that balances the potent Leo energies?

  1. Celebrate not only the “wins”, but the times where you wanted to throw in the towel, or felt the sting of failure. The gems were found in the lessons.

2. Honor your Ancestors in a way that is meaningful for you. As the saying goes, you are your ancestors' wildest dreams! They are your cheerleaders on the sidelines. If by chance you should be met with the opportunity to spend time with an elder, whether it be a dear loved one, or a “friend in waiting “, know that through this beautiful connection, that you are honoring all the elders who came before. You are here because of them.

Keywords: community, self-illumination, and collaboration

A few crystals that can be utilized during this cycle would be:

  1. AMBER : (Renewal and Purification)

Amber is great to use when cleansing. As you prepare to make changes. Amber facilitates balance and stability and has a potent protective quality that aids in sweeping out negative energies. It can also be used for healing the past and protecting one’s future.

Amethyst can help you determine what changes to make and is also great for bringing in balance to the air and water energy. Its calming effect allows one to regain inner comfort, and emotional balance, helping you maintain focus as well as motivation when taking on new challenges.

3: APATITE: (Stone of Change)

Apatite brings one into alignment in serving the greater good. As you prepare for changes, Apatite assists one to focus on the big picture keeping a positive attitude about making changes that’s not only beneficial for making things better for yourself, but also for others.

4. MOONSTONE (Stone of New Beginnings):

Can be added to a charm pouch to assist with ‘going with the flow.’ Allows one to open the heart to compassion and become emotionally settled.

5. CLEAR QUARTZ (The Master Healer):

When programmed, it eases any fears of change while boosting self-belief. Greater insight can be obtained on how to help others as well as reach your true potential. Clear quartz also magnifies one's intentions to help mankind, bringing new opportunities, abundance and success.


We will be offering a Full Moon meditation for this upcoming lunation Friday 12th at 6 PM MST. More info coming soon. This will be a FREE online event, with a suggested donation

which assists with continuing, and as a mean of honoring the work.

Keep EYE open for full details!

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