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Empowerment Through The Sacred Harvest of Gratitude

Updated: Nov 25, 2022


November 23

12:58 AM

Blessed New Moon in SAGITTARIUS!

I can't not begin this blogpost without stating the obvious, or maybe not, but the past few weeks has been an intense journey through what has felt like a jungle of emotions. Tangled vines that lead through the densest of dark enclosed spaces which seemed as if there was no way to navigate safely without a beam of light strong enough to cut through the thick darkness...

This is the season of Winter. Traditionally, it was a time where things slowed down, the last of the crops harvested, and the weather would perform its favorite dance, the tango where it teased us with its flow of temperamental rhythm. Swaying back and forth between brisk frigid winds, and warm sunny days until it aligned with the final turn of the wheel. Awaiting Solstice.

During this time of stillness, although the earth is resting, we humans are seldom not. Remaining in perpetual motion leaving no space for the reset to take place; no "room in the inn" for the purge of stagnant energy to unfold: to released. Tangled emotions, like vines that are ready to surrender under the weight of barren limbs that are prepared to snap, at times it feels as though the weight we as humans drag around daily demands the gift of an overdue release.

This is a truth that must have a voice. Not good, or bad, just facts that have grown too wide to continue to be stepped over, or walked around. To acknowledge imbalances within is the first step of healing. Being able to express emotionally that which at times have no words is essential for growth.

dark foggy jungle
"Trust Yourself" You Can Do This

When was the last time you allowed yourself free expression of emotions in a way that eased the stressed felt within your body? Freedom of expression in a way that promotes health, and well-being is a basic human need. Regardless of what is being shown, Releasing intense energy within the body is a part of recalibrating the human nervous system. I am not going to go into all of the statistics, but they are out there along with the studies.

Because they (emotions) are not the primary focus, or concern in an era where being human is beginning to be viewed as a flaw, until there are outbursts, on an individual, as well as collective level, the mainstream more and more are treating the organic, and natural functioning of the body as an inconvenience to productivity. This in my opinion is one factor of how we learn to govern our emotions, as well as our beliefs in regards to who we are, and who we must become. To digress here just for a minute, I have been attempting to put out a blogpost, and email for about a month now, so this may be a long one. I have added to my draft three separate times, but havent felt like the timing was right. I am grateful that I am becoming more, and more comfortable with my unique flow and being un-bothered about what the trends would have me do, but that discussion is for another time. I thank those of you in advance for reading my words, and don't blame you one bit for scrolling right on through the stream of words (thoughts, and expression) featured on this page. I am grateful that you are here.

On Your Mark, Get Focused, Set Your "IN"tention, Aim, Shoot!

The Archer graces us with their presence, as both the Sun, and this new moon is aligned in the sign of Sagittarius. This is the time to explore our emotions from a place of solid awareness on the level of the basics needs of expression. At the time of me writing this, it is New Moon exact. 4: 57 PM. (Ohhh, divine timing! Working outside of the caged of what time is believed to be).

The time has come for us to pick up the pieces and continue moving forward after a long drawn out eclipse season (It felt that way for me at least....Not good or bad, just what is).

[Literally, about 10 minutes after writing what is written below the image of the archer, I received a phone call from my brother who is a medicine man for his tribe in Suquamish WA speaking of "putting one foot in front of the other, because it is a time of happiness", before offering a song of thanksgiving. I can't make these beautiful synchronicities up, and I AM GRATEFUL!]


An image of a new moon phase, and a symbol of the zodiac sign Sagittarious
The Archer, always ready, and in purpose on the path of opportunity!

Traveling through the underworld is a quest which takes place within; the "underworld" meaning going to the depths of our psyche to strip back the layers that have intombed the jewels that are our sacred light within, rescuing them from the darkness of the the masked we wear out of fear , and doubts. An upclose, and personal look into the parts of ourselves that sometimes we know nothing about. The things that make us who we are.... What makes us "tick". Some have coined these "things" as our shadow aspects. Those traits, tendencies, habits that we know about, but others do not, and at times we may have no clue, while others see clearly what we are all about.

When we are aware, or made aware of those parts of ourselves, thay have been within us for quite some time, which may come to the surface at certain times, be they stirred up by excess external triggers, or that abruptly arise to the surface after being shoved down deep for years, we may be conditioned to avoid dealing with the emotions behind them at all cost. It is to our advantage to begin the process of exploring the myriad reasons, symptoms, and or behaviors so that arriving to the root cause becomes instantaneous. Instantaneous in a way that the travel remains "light" as there is no need to overanalyze, only uncover and allow our personal guidance system to lead the way to the best way without compounding any trauma which may exist.

So, to be transparent; Our psyche is designed to protect us from situations, and experiences which can harm us again after having gone through said experience.

Most people truly don't understand how powerful the mind can be. Pain is a function of the brain, i.e., pain occurs when the brain activates a danger or alarm signal. Pain is a message that the brain is sending to us, and it is up to us to interpret the message in order to determine the next steps.

It is natural for the signals of pain to be present after a physical injury, but let's talk about pain that is present without obvious signs of injury. What's up with that? In using an example to briefly explain so that you the reader may go further if you choose, let's think about a time that you may have had an experience, let's say there was a heated conversation whereby the results were not pleasant at all, and it really hurt you emotionally which was very traumatizing.

After some time had passed, the intensity of the event began to lessen, and you may have forgotten about it completely, or so you thought. With the situation not being fully processed, you may have noticed pain in your shoulder; deep, dull, irritating, but you know that there hasn't been any physical damage to that shoulder. The pain comes, and goes, and you tend to it with heating pads, or muscle rubs, or you have some body work done in attempt to treat the area in hopes of relieve.


What if the "pain" was just a symptom of the unresolved traumatic confrontation that was pushed away, and "forgotten". I understand that not all pain is symbolic because essentially, it is up to the brain to “choose” the messaging it gives us as the brain is trying to "protect" from what the brain perceives to be a dangerous situation in the body or in life.

(For anyone reading this who understands the context of what I am attempting to confer, I ask for grace, and "innerstanding" as this is a post which is not meant to go into depth of the topics spoken of here. Infinite Love & Gratitude to you)

What I am wanting to convey is that doing our "inner work" to begin the journey forward from re-living cycles of pain, and distress is not an easy feat, but it can become manageable when we tune into what we need to support us in the process. For those of you who have taken the steps to heal, I want to congratulate you, and I cheer for your progress. Don't give up... Don't stop! Take the necessary time and have patience throughout your unfolding. Find the right support systems that encourages you to continue the journey into yourself so that you discover for yourself the magic you hold within your being. You are not broken. Your perceived flaws are gifts awaiting activation.

Yes, Sagittarius; from November 23rd until December 6th new beginning with significant obstacles, depending on where, if you have Sag in your natal chart you may experience theses obstacles, as this transit will include confrontations as Mars, Ceres, Jupiter and Neptune will be featured in this transit squaring, and positioning one another. Those squares and oppositions will clearly show you who or what you need to be prepared for, but overall to sum it up,a few of the opportunities of this transit will focus on learning new perspectives, and

spiritual growth, with possible challenges arising from resistance surrounding responsibility, and morals. With meditation, yoga, conscious movement of the body such as dance, retreats, pilgrimages of a spiritual sorts, as well as holistic therapies being outlets for transformation, thy may also become tools which can be utilized in your personal excavation in the pursuit of healing trauma, and tapping into emotions via our intuition, a vital part in discovering what's underneath, yearning to be released and transformed.

What healthy Ritualz can be adapted at this time to prevent escapism through those that simply numb?

Navigating our actions with a strong moral compass is key if we wish to emerge with our self-respect intact.

Taking the High road into consideration as we guide our actions in alignment with a healthy moral compass in the name of self-respect requires setting intentions with discernment, so that we also ward off overwhelm when this New Moon comes to its fruition point in six months. expanded energy field, we can feel more optimistic, more energized, and more confident in our ability to take things on.

this New Moon will help to expand your viewpoint so you can make changes, reshape the way you have been approaching things, and feel clearer about what is ahead. The unfolding of who, and what you are really capable of happens in divine timing with no set beginning, and no end, meaning that it is never too late to expand further, along with pondering expansions that creates possibilities , and reshape your approach to specific to feel clearer about what the nexts steps along the journey..

Ask yourself, "Where are the silver linings?"

If you are on the journey of unfolding, and you are looking for ways to manage the intensity through gaining tools which can possibly align you on a path filled with peace, I encourage you to take a look at this event, filled with topics on alternative ways to honor the sacredness of difficult experiences and alchemizing them for personal evolution from some of the best best presenters in their chosen field on ways to live "in spite of." Best of all it's FREE, and spans three days where you can take your own journey to begin your process. Ready to expand your perspective?

There is also an opportunity to begin a six month journey where you have support to assist you if you have been searching for that route leading to a new chapter of discovery in your your life. Just inquire if you are curious to know more.


cornucopia filled with an abundant harvest
I AM Enough, and I Am Grateful

Gratitude is an Everyday Feeling

When stress persists and turns into chronic stress, cortisol and other hormones are activated, which can lead to anxiety, depression, memory and concentration impairment , headaches, as well as digestive problems amongst other things. Gratitude can be a potent coping strategy. A feeling of gratitude for one thing daily will rid oneself of the heaviness that the physical, as well as the emotional, and energetic bodies tends to accumulate over time. Being thankful when sharing about yourself, may be a foreign thing to consider, but invite yourself to take a step back and look at what you’ve accomplished so that you are able to calibrate where you are, and work towards feeling good about it. Gratitude towards self is saying thank you to yourself and those around you often. Yes, it can be hard to do, but it puts you in a positive mindset to be thankful for where you are, where you’ve come, and where you’re going. There truly isn’t a final destination for any of us, and there is no true “getting” anywhere.

I get it, Expressing gratitude can be incredibly difficult when it feels like we're hanging on by a thread, managing to keep life flowing without knots, and tangles...

In the knots and tangles, between the threads of life is where possibilities dwell. Turning everyday stressors into bite size miracle enveloped in opportunities for growth is possible with just a small dose of gratitude. Life isn't happening to you. It's occurring with you, and for you. We can think of every breath that is inhaled into our lungs as a opportunity for infinite expansion. Practicing gratitude — being thankful and grateful for the amazing things It’s a muscle you need to train, and takes takes time and practice, especially in a culture where the focu is on whats, next, whats, new, and how soon. As human beings navigating the journey of life, we can easily get caught in the hustle. For myself, it took months of consciously choosing to slow down, and pause. Expressing the gratefulness that filled my heart of just how much I have to give thanks for; literally shifting my mindset to not just looking at the things that I didn't achieve, but placing my attention on all that I conquered, and achieved.

I embraced a morning ritual a few years ago where after feeling my consciousness enter into my body, smiling, no matter how briefly, opening my eyes, where I simply say thank you as I allow myself to settle into the body before rushing from my bed. I sit on the side of the bed, intending , and infusing my mind with thoughts of how I can make this the best day ever before continuing my ritual on the mat. In my opinion, and from experience it makes a huge difference. Now, don't get me wrong, some days are difficult to get going, and these are the facts. We each possess our own unique rhythm, and energetic signatures. These are times when giving ourselves the TLC needed so that we are able to cope during the tough days is a necessary part of self care. Showing your body, and mind gratitude for giving you signals, tending to those signals, frees you from adding to the stress level.

Gratitude is the highest level of thought

~ G.K. Chesterton

Having gratitude is not about experiencing constant happiness, but instead, the expression of gratitude is the ability to face difficulties while maintaining an open heart. Practicing gratitude allows one to accept problems so that the way to a better way of living despite all troubles can be experienced. The way that gratitude can be practiced can be as individually unique as we are, from writing notes, giving ourselves compliments, through smiling at others, including ourselves, and loving ourselves more, especially through choosing to become "whole" again, or rather to re-discover our "special sauce." How beautiful is it that healing begins through expressing our gratefulness to others, but more importantly, expressing gratitude for all that we are, and through embracing this practice even further through releasing that which weighs down the spirit. Anyone who knows me get's the reasons why I dance. For myself, it's about creative expression, and relieving anxiety. If music is medicine, then dance is the instrument of whereby it is administered.

Quote Graphic
If music is medicine, then dance is the instrument of whereby it is administered.

Dancing is my #2 way of expressing myself, with yoga being number one. I have grown, and discovered over the years that there is power that can be found in the natural flow, and rhythm that my body intuitively knows in the way that it moves. Not only that, the more I danced, the more that I was able to assess my physical, mental and emotional states.

Dancing can literally teach you about the ways in which you are feeling, Where in your body you feel it, and it has the ability to reset your emotional state.. I fell more like myself as I dance. In the beginning, especially when I would go out to dance, it was scary, but only when my focus veered from me, to what others were thinking about me. As humans, we have become accustomed to hiding who we truly are, and are fearful of expressing ourselves, and while it is mindful of us to be aware about the logistics of expression, which is very useful when we are in a public setting for many reason, it still doesn't diminish the facts that in suppressing our emotions, that we are denying our spiritual purpose.

Our bodies remain rigid which may lead to our minds becoming rigid, and therefore unhealthy for the spirit as well as the body. Movement activates the whole being to express. In utilizing our bodies, and setting an intention to release the mind, we become more aware of the mind/body connection and begin to feel a return to wholeness. Allowing ourselves to feel the joy of the movement, we can unblock stagnant energy that leads to anxiety, and frustrations,reconnect to our spirit and become more attuned to our natural flow, leading to an overall more authentic sense of being.

What emotions are you experiencing in this moment?

If you love to dance, or curious in seeing how it may assist in releasing intense feelings, I invite you to join me monthly for Release the RAGE! While the word rage may illicit uncomfortable thoughts, the name of the event is intentional to put a name to an emotion that has been deemed as something that is wrong, or somehow uncivilized, when in fact there has been a rise in its expression through unnatural behaviors. Rage is Anger that has been suppressed in some form or another, for various reasons. Essentially, as a society, anger stemming from injustices focused on those who have been labeled as a minority over centuries have been passed on genetically, and is one the the culprits of mental health issues, as well as poor health within minority populations. repressed anger. In the end, suppressed anger manifests itself in some other way, which is can become extremely negative.

Rage is sacred, and needs to be expressed. Rage is righteous, and within this righteousness, change can occur on a personal, and collective level.


Intuitive Message for New Moon in Sagittarius:

The wind elemental tells us that we are to accept life in its fullest, to accept death as a natural part of life, and to accept that we need to share all that has been given to us. Not just material things but also the knowledge we have been given.
The air/ element connects with communication , so if you are one that sees things as only white or black (perspectives), then it is possible that in taking a more balanced stance would be beneficial during this cycle. Lean into any resistance where compromise, or cooperation is needed and consider all aspects of the situation.
What can be gained from compromising, and is it more valuable than a perceived lost?
The elemental of the East brings to our attention that our emotional state is to be cared for and protected as our clarity needs to be on point as we move forward in setting intentions. Any manifestations that you are seeking will be affected by our emotional landscape. Our thoughts must be pure. Maintaining groundedness
allows for us to recenter and reconnect with the highest aspect of our self.
During this cycle, we must attend to healing the mind so that we bring forth the sweetness of life. Everything can be seen as possibility. just like our breath, each moment is a new beginning, and an abundance of energy is available for growth on all levels.
Holy Basil can be used in purification Ritualz to aid us in removing any lies that might be binding us to outdated constructs, or places that keep us from new beginnings.
The elemental of the South reminds us of the importance of taking a pause from the serious approach to life and express yourself in positive ways healthy ways that brings joy and to love yourself enough through nurturing the relationships that reciprocate the love and support that you freely give while cultivating boundaries which keeps you from overextending . This is a time of is a time of learning about relationships. It is a time to take the first strong steps toward your own maturity. Take care not to burn yourself out trying to do everything. There is a both a time to be open and a time to contain your energy and your feelings within yourself.
The major lesson that comes from the Elemental of the West is that of responsibility; responsibility for self, responsibility for the Earth, and responsibility for all upon the Earth. This is also a cycle of which you should embrace who you are and be proud of who you are. Do not allow past hurts to affect your reactions
~ P. Shananda



I will be offering 30 minute oracle readings during the Dark Goddess Festival I was alluding to earlier, if you haven't clicked on the button above to quench your curiosity, so if for any other reason to register for this FREE event, maybe spending 30 minutes with me will bring you joy, and at the very least, bring in expansive energy to begin exploring infinite possibilities. You will also be able to book a longer session if you are wishing for more clarity in any area of your life.

I hope to hear about your experience if you do decide to register whether you book a session or not, so

to learn about alternative ways to find wisdom and inner guidance amidst pain, suffering, judgment, and oppression, and gain access to empowering tools to navigate inner and outer challenges and major change. from multiple perspectives and techniques for personal shadow work and soul work.


Until next time,

Infinite Love & Gratitude!

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