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Zero Point: Setting the Stage for Harmony and Balance

Writer's picture: ShanandaShananda
The Season of Air Edition

With the passing of the seasons of my life, I have noticed how much more in tune I have become with the progressional transitions of the seasons along with the need of maintaining balance. I believe that collectively speaking, we are all becoming more aware of this need, as even the slightest tilt of the scales can rock our world, which is why it is important to reconnect with one's center. The point where we are in a state of balance.

Because the sun is still hanging out in Virgo, during this moon phase we may be distracted by the inner critic. “Critiquing” our environment, and of those in it, along with ourselves,

In what ways can tuning into the truth regarding your relationships with those in your life free you to communicate truths, express with compassion from the heart, without getting caught in the web of overthinking, and overanalyzing?

The tipping of the scales has its purpose, this I cannot deny, but when our foundation is steady, our capability to readjust becomes easier as we navigate the external upheavals we may find ourselves.

If the relationship with myself is not balanced, if I am overwhelming my yin energy, it will express itself in that area of imbalance, and vise versa.

When I feel the turmoil of the transitional shift about to take place; as it is an opportunity to welcome change, I remember to ask the part of myself that already knows…

Going within;

to the center.

Zero Point; Where I can let go, in surrender to what is.

Libra teaches lessons of fairness, giving, and taking, and negotiating; being open to compromising to be able to balance our needs with others, without the need to compete, or judge.

New Moons can bring about endings. The state of projecting creates difficulty in our ability to take ownership of what’s ours, and have discernment when it comes to what belongs to someone else. When we are calling in desires for partnerships, and relationships with others who gives us the space to thrive, the new beginnings /opportunities coming in brings in the balance, aligning us with self, and others.

We have come to that point where the seed has begun to grow roots. A "call to action" phase when the germination process is complete, and it is now time to move forward on our journey. We do so by balancing our options; the pros, and cons, digging deeper into the objective and subjective aspects of the intentions we may have set regarding what we are moving towards, and what it means for our goal in the end. This phase is about having courage to move forward with faith. This is the time to explore your dreams; allowing them to blossom.

How are you wanting to bring forth, and increase your desires? How can you increase your knowledge, finances, as well as nurture your relationships?

This is best time (Waxing Crescent) to construct a solid foundation, and expand our perspective when it comes to alternative ways to communicate and express our truths in regards to our dealings with others.

Intuitive Message:

The message for this New Moon cycle in Libra asks for us to be alert, and move as swiftly, and as cleverly like the fox. The nature of a fox is that of ingenuity and creativity. Quick on its feet, the fox has a canny ability to sense when the time is just right, and employs the elementals to assist them in gracefully as well as astutely making the best judgment in order to become victorious in situations. Thinking outside of the box can be advantageous if we do not hesitate to take action. Alignment with spirit and your higher self is necessary to acquire the needed answers, but leave overthinking on the sidelines

Are you being pulled in many directions by those who need your help? Cultivating self - expression in the are of boundaries can bring balance within all our relations with others so that you can develop the relationships that mean the most to you and reciprocate the loving support that you give so that you remain open and in creative flow

How can I maintain balance when I want to give assistance?

Staying open to the creative flow is essential now that we are being called to share what we know. Sharing what you know, and yet teaching from a place of compassion will allow for the integrity of the students' vision to remain intact. We offer wisdom, and stand back to witness others their freedom of expression so that they begin to craft their lives in finding the solutions that are needed.

Although greater responsibilities come to those who choose the path of "teacher", we also must be mindful of taking on more responsibilities than can be handled. The knowledge that you innately possess, when used with integrity guides you to offer your wisdom and support in a heartfelt way.

Know that the intentions that you have already set in motion with the previous cycle are already coming together, so it's definitely a time to stay alert and keep up. You are breaking free of restrictions that have been creating a difficult time, but now it's time to leave the darkness of the cocoon behind. The mental clarity that is needed comes from within you. Even though there may be much surrounding you that may distract you, engage with it from the stance of the peacemaker and agree to disagree if this resonates as the path to peace for you. Peace begins within. Open to the truth of your life. Nurture yourself that you may be renewed, and allow your heart room to grow. Give birth to tie emotions. Honor the feminine source of creation within you

Libra is represented by the air we need to breathe that circulates slowly.

Bringing life in balance and in harmony is just a breath away!

The energy of Libra helps to form relationships that are balanced as it symbolizes thought which is always a present force in our lives, and for us to think clearly, we must remain calm and focused.

Deep breathing induces peace. Those individuals with planets in Air signs often may lead with the head, because thoughts and ideas are always turning and they are constantly analysing to interpret their world.

Air is ethereal, its intangible, which is why it is also associated with dreaming, and thinking, as it is the element that brings awareness to all aspect of life.

When the element of Air is out of balance within us, we may be unclear about our next moves, indecisiveness takes hold, and frustration takes residence and creates discomfort. A disconnect may be felt.

Meditation practice can be useful to bring calm peace. .


Rhythm Rituals for the Season | Lunar Cycle

Techniques to Stimulate the Throat Energy Center (Chakra):

Asana :

Calms the nervous system.

Reduces stress, fatigue, headaches This asana removes blockages in the area of the throat by stimulating the thyroid gland and abdominal organs.


The primary goal of pranayama is to connect body and mind. It also supplies the body with oxygen while removing toxins which provide healing physiological benefits. One of the things that I enjoy most about what I do as a facilitator of healing is sharing my love of how the breath is always there. It is afterall how we are able to make use of our physical vessel. LIFE RESIDES IN THE BREATH!

Pranayama involves different breathing techniques such as:

  • Alternate nostril breathing (Nadishodhana)

  • Ujjayi / Victorious breath ( Also known as "Ocean Breath" which I absolutely love practicing. is most often used in support of yoga postures, especially in the vinyasa style. In this breathing technique, you constrict the back of the throat to support lengthening each breath cycle. Vinyasa yoga, which is a primary part of my practice is called the 'breath-synchronized' movement, as you are moving from one pose to the next on an inhalation or an exhalation of the breath, and in my opinion helps to deepen the mind body connection. Read more about it here

  • Female honey bee humming breath (Bhramari)

  • Bellows breath (Bastrika)

These breathing exercises can be practiced in many ways. You can do them while performing yoga poses, as well as while meditating and on their own.

Here as an overview of utilizing brahmari (Bumble Bee) to relieve stress:

Brahmari (Bumble Bee) for Stress Relief:

Gently close your eyes and bring your attention to your breathing

Prepare for Shanmukhi Mudra, by closing your ears with your thumbs. Place your index fingers on the lower parts of your eyelids to close your eyes. Use your middle fingers to partially close your nostrils. Place your ring fingers above your lips. Put your pinky fingers below your lips to close your mouth.

Shanmukhi Mudra reduces sensory inputs around us. This mudra is known for closing the seven gates. That is two ears, eyes, nostrils and one mouth. The aim is to listen to the inner sounds and look for whatever 'appears' in the darkness. This mudra induces the state of pratyahara or sense withdrawal which can be relaxing and calming to the nervous system. You can reference here for more information regarding mudras being mindful of the precautionary recommendations, and restrictions.

From here, inhale through your nostrils, and as you inhale, slightly contract your glottis and gently engage your vocal cords to make a slight snoring sound

Breathe in slowly and comfortably, and at the same time, make this snoring sound

Once you have completed your inhalation, exhale for as long as you can

As you inhale, create a high-pitched humming sound

Make this humming sound in your nose and imagine that you pierce this sound through your Third Eye Chakra (in between your eyebrows)

During the whole exercise, keep Shanmukhi Mudra

(Repeat six to eight times and end with an exhalation)

A Few Supporting Crystals:.

Rose Quartz

Black Tourmaline


Essential Oils:

Jasmine May help immune function

May improve moods and help with depression

Might help reduce the symptoms of stress, and easing a broken heart. Also used for general love "intentions" to do with friendship as in a spiritual nature.

Frankincense (oil or resin)



Ylang Ylang

This is a Beautiful Time for :

  • Working on meaningful relationships.

  • Breaking patterns.

  • Embracing change.

  • Confronting uncomfortable truths.

  • Spiritual love

  • Sensuality

  • Clarity

  • Happiness

  • Prophetic dreams

  • Healing

  • Beauty

  • Confidence

  • Prosperity

  • Friendship

  • Moon Magick

  • Divination


Assistance from the plant kingdom, along with the mineral/rock kingdom helps us purify from negative energies and limiting thoughts.

  • Sage (general common sage works just fine, as there has been a rise in the depletion of the sacred herb that indigenous tribes use in their sacred ceremonies).

  • Lavender (The emotional body is cleansed as the small intestine meridian is stimulated in response to the increased energy flow in the deeper relaxed states promoted by Lavender).

  • Rosemary (clarity When you’re feeling confused, you can use rosemary to gain some direction. Rosemary can help direct you on the road to your purpose is in life, and it also symbolizes faith. ROSEMARY is a personal herb for those born under the astrological sign of Leo).


Beej /Bija Mantras for Chakras

Mantras contain powerful healing and transformational energy. Mantras expand your soul, opening you to possibilities when they are chanted or sung. They are used to empower. They may aid in the removal of any blockages that may occur in your body,allowing you to recover completely. Mantras generate a vibration that energizes the brain and throat.When you chant, you are present in the moment. Each chakra contains a Bija Mantra that awakens its potential and energy. Toning the mantra may purify the potential energy linked to each chakra by speeding it up or slowing it down. The Bija Mantra for the Heart, and the Throat are below as they are the chakras that are being activated the most during this time.

Anahata ( Heart)

Mantra: Yam

Chakra Affirmations:

The advantages of balancing the Heart Chakra, are as follows:

  • One will be able to let go and feel free

  • No longer afraid of intimacy

  • Be able to fully enjoy others company

  • Begin to trust again

  • Live a balanced life

  • Gain emotional maturity

The Heart Chakra is the core of our love for others as well as our love for ourselves. If you have poor self-esteem or hesitant in social circumstances because you doubt your worth to others, your Heart Chakra may be blocked. The discomfort in the Heart Chakra is very distinguishable, and may affect the health of the body. Suppressing intense emotions not only decreases your mental health, causing increased feelings of anxiety, but it overall affects your physical health too, as we already have a certain amount of the stress hormone known as cortisol present in our body. To gain the most benefit of using affirmations, it is encouraged to immerse oneself in the emotion behind the words. As you say the following affirmations for the Heart Chakra, try to feel the words:

  • I love my life and all of its blessings.

  • My heart is full of gratitude, love, and peace.

  • I attract loving friendships and relationships.

  • I open my heart to receive love.

  • I have empathy for others.

  • I am completely open to both giving and receiving love.

  • I am one with all living things.

  • My heart is free from past hurt.

Throat: (Vishuddha)

Mantra: HAM'

One way to unblock your throat chakra is to re-evaluate your relationships and determine what boundaries need setting to ensure that your needs are met, and that your voice is heard, Feeling that you are recognized and appreciated is an important factor in developing self-esteem, and confidence. The Bija Mantra for the Throat Chakra is ‘HAM.‘

To begin chanting, sit comfortably on the floor or a chair sitting up straight with your sitting bones grounded. Breathe deeply into your body to allow yourself to become centered, and focused. With your eyes closed, take around 3-5 complete breaths. Finally, focus your attention on the Throat Chakra and repeat the Bija Mantra‘HAM’ three times.

Chakra Affirmations

Try repeating these Throat Chakra affirmations in your mind, listen to a recording, or incorporating them as prayers, as you visualize the color blue while concentrating on the affirmation, envisioning the color pouring into your chakra area. Here are a few to begin your journey:

  • I speak my truth.

  • I express my power by realizing who I really am.

  • My inner wisdom directs my speech.

  • I express my wants, needs, beliefs, and boundaries.

  • I speak boldly and confidently.

  • My truth is divine and deserves to be heard.

  • I communicate clearly and powerfully.

  • I am gentle with my words.

As I wrap up this post, I would like for you to know that although the moon has now moved into Scorpio at the time that I am writing this, the energies of this lunar cycle will be in effect until we come full circle, and therefore relevant still relevant during this time if you are planning on doing any workings involving bringing in more balance, and clarity as it pertains to your intentions, as well as your relationships. A few more suggestions for you that I would like to share is that you allow time for being still, being quiet, and being reflective, allow your body to follow its natural rhythms for more sleep, and to practice receptivity,

I would also love to hear from you!

  • When was the last time you sat still without doing anything?

  • How is the balance between your inner energies (yin) and your outer energies (yang)?

Allow your body to lead the way. Trust it's amazing potential to give itself what it needs through ample time for rest, sleep, dreaming, meditating, and other “inner” workings. Take time for being still, quiet,and reflective.

Journaling prompts for you to also consider :

  • How can I speak up, and communicate with compassion in my relationships?

  • What is needed for me to be able to switch from indecisiveness and overthinking to gaining the clarity to take action on my desires?

  • What could I do to bring more balance and soul-satisfaction into my life?

Take time to let go of what no longer lifts your spirit, including emotions you've constantly held onto. Soften your heart, and your smile as you begin the process of finding the good in every situation. Schedule time to allow yourself to enjoy simple pleasures like a hot bath, sitting by a fire, playing games with your family/friends and of course impromptu naps!

Until the next Turn of the Wheel,

Infinite Love, and SO much Gratitude!



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