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Natures Way : The Path to Mental Wellness

Writer's picture: ShanandaShananda

If you've completed just one of your goals this year so far, you've done more than enough, you are enough and now it's time to enjoy the sacred harvest, extend gratitude for the relationships in your life that surrounds you and begin to slow down with the rhythm of the season. Societal obligations often prevent us from following the natural cycles and create situations where we find it difficult to slow our pace to follow nature's lead.

 The second part of the year, which is known to most as the dark time of year, was understood by our ancestors, and as the last harvest was gathered,  celebrating was common. Following the example of the trees as they  know how to celebrate: Gently letting go of their leaves like  confetti sailing on the wind. Colors so warm and inviting, our ancestors gathered together, dancing, singing, nourishing mind, body and soul after garnishing their sacred jewels from the fields.

The disconnect, lonely, overwhelming, and other heavy feelings that are being experienced in more people in recent times is a message to us. Our bodies understand, as did our ancestors, and as the animals,  plant life, all except humans,  that we are connected to this earth that we walk upon. While yes, in this present moment we may have been conditioned to the belief that there isn't 'time' to slow down, that there isn't 'time' to rest our minds, unwind and release stagnant energy, we may stretch ourselves too thin in the name of not having time that our bodies, as well as our minds begin speaking loudly to us.

Anxiety is unexpressed emotions and energy that has become blocked. Blockages can be a number of things from worry to behaviors. Now, the symptoms of anxiety are neither good nor bad. Anxiety can help us stay alert, motivate us to solve problems as well as take right action, but in its extreme can become debilitating.

When I say “ symptoms” of anxiety being neither good nor bad, the construct of good or bad in relation to the obligations and responsibilities that we tend to in our lives, seeking counsel from our higher self allows us to weed our external and internal fields of that which has run its course. 

Nature’s example of this as we place our awareness on the subtle and not so subtle cues. While we attempt to continue moving forward along our path of growth evolution, becoming aware of how our bodies responds to the demands is key if we are to fulfill our purpose. 

So, how can we make take  the time necessary to slow down daily to ensure that we're giving ourselves the space for healing and rejuvenation? What ways can we bring stillness to our mind chatter, and release energy blocks so that anxiety is managed in order not to let it consume us? 

Rhythm Rituals is what I like to think of as the habits that we establish in our lives which brings us in harmony with our natural rhythm. Everyone's flow is unique to them. Rhythm Rituals keeps us in sync with our signature beat, to where we are dancing to the beat of our own drum. Structured in a way which cuts out the regimented rigidity of what routine suppose to look like, and redeeming the flow that aligns with you. 

Even 15 minutes a day can make a huge difference. Fifteen minutes a day can help you to “re-center”and move through the remaining of your day much happier, and more alive. 

Crafting your spiritual practice is uniquely yours. If your body is giving signs that it's time to slow down, through symptoms of anxiety, first it is important to seek the assistance of a trusted professional then begin taking inventory of the areas in your life where you seek relief. Taking time to check in with self can simply begin by being with the breath. 

Let's begin now by giving it a try through noticing where our breath is.

[ Disclaimer]

Remember to be mindful, and aware of where you are on your journey and use care in that you make sure it's safe for you to actively engage with the following paragraph:

 This exercise at a time where you won't be disturbed, and where you are free to let go for the full benefit, It can also be used when additional support is needed quickly.

I like to invite you to place your hands on the lower part of your stomach and just begin to notice how the breath creates space for the expanding sensations in the belly on the inhale, and on the exhale, how your belly collapses gently: Pushing the air out, and expanding the space further. Let's stay in this space as you inhale for the count of five and hold it, and let it all go on your next exhale. Now, release it all. 

If you are still following along, and actively engaged with the words above. That's how easy it is to take time to check in with yourself. If you are wanting to explore ways in which you can find your unique Rhythm Ritualz, I invite you to step into embracing discovering more of yourself through 30 Days of Ritualz. During the 30 days, choose something that you would enjoy doing more of before you begin your day, for a midday reboot, or to begin to ease into your evening and experiment through doing the chosen activity.  If you choose to take yourself up on this challenge, let me know in the comments!

This is also the perfect time to perhaps incorporate journaling into the time you’ve scheduled for yourself and just log for each day that you engage with this powerful practice. Remember,  you are a powerful being, so immerse yourself deeply in the love of the Divine.


Feel, and  Know this! 


The Full moon in Aries set the stage for the upcoming New Moon which will be in the sign of Scorpio. I did an intuitive reading for the previous Full Moon and what we as a collective may be experiencing along with suggestions on how to navigate the cycle that I will be posting soon. At times, I will draw the cards, with the intention of sharing, but at other times I am just led to send energy, and blessings. 

 This energy will bring in a feeling of renewal which can create space to transform areas of your life where healing and restoration is needed.

It’s also the second eclipse period of the year giving this new moon a welcomed lift for the spirit. Albeit this will be a partial eclipse, it may be an intense energy for some, mainly those who have Scorpio in their charts. 

How important are your connections with others along with  building and fostering and being part of a community.

 We can expect to have experiences which spotlights how important our connections with others are as well as the importance of fostering and nurturing the community you're a part of.  If you are wanting to manifest a like-minded, supportive, and loving community, this fertile time of seeding can be harassed to call your people in. 

As I think back to a recent gathering that I was invited to, bringing the feelings back of how nurturing it was to be surrounded by people who I was meeting for the first time along with those who I've grown to know, and that brought to mind the meaning of 3 degrees of Scorpio in terms of the sabian symbolism. 

It got me thinking also about how free I felt  from the symptoms that would arise within me. Even though I felt the sensations, I felt safe enough to breathe through them and just acknowledge and accept my emotions without judging them and innerstanding that I was not alone. 

The 26th is when we are to experience this New Moon Eclipse, and I would love to hold an activation for the community. More news to come, so stay tuned. I am wishing all of my beautiful lotus tribe an amazing journey into the darker half of the year as we embark on our unique personal adventures. May you celebrate each win, big and small, and may your revalry be joyous!


Would you schedule a set time to worry?

Inquiring minds would like to know 🥰

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